Cllr. Dan Yates

BH2020/03446 – 63 Newick Road


7th December 2020:


Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application


Comment Reasons:

-       Because of the Additional Traffic

-       Noise

-       Residential Amenity

-       Traffic or Highways


Comment: The impact of this HMO on the surrounding residents, community and properties could be significant due to the nature and intensification of occupation on this site:

-       Potential for noise and other environmental disturbance including waste management issues

-       Inadequate provision of parking and consequential impact to on street parking.

-       Impact on community resources such as schools and health facilities due to the loss of family accommodation


I would ask that officers check the current and previously held licensing registers to check their impact on the 10% rule is properly taken into consideration.


Additionally I note that the decision APP/Q1445/W/20/3249592 (95 Heath Hill Avenue, Brighton BN2 4FH) identified that:

"the significant amount of opposition to the proposal from local residents and their representatives who perceive that the concentration of HMOs in the area is having a harmful effect on the mix and balance of the community. Such an effect includes increased antisocial behaviour such as noise and litter, and more indirect changes such as a reduction in demand for family orientated local

services and a loss of pride in the neighbourhood. While there is no evidence to suggest that such antisocial behaviour relates specifically to the appeal premises, it is apparent that there is a perception that a tipping point has been reached with regards to the concentration of HMOs in this part of the neighbourhood. " This finding contributed to the refusal of the appeal on the grounds that "the proposed development conflicts with Policy CP21 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One 2106 by changing the mix and balance of the community in the area, with a consequent harm to community cohesion."


Should the recommendation on this application be to approve I would like this application to come to committee please.